Poetry Feeds The Gods.
Blood & Spades (Horror Writers Association Blog)
“The Body Is A Poem–Let’s Cut It Up”
Kishotenketsu for Mars
“He asked us/ decades down, ‘Is there life on Mars?’”
originally published by The Seattle Review of Books
Desire. Endless.
“I am not the Devil. He makes deals.”
commissioned by The Bushwick Book Club Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con 2013; first printed in DRAWN TO MARVEL: POEMS FROM THE COMIC BOOKS, ed. Bryan Dietrich & Marta Ferguson
Ghazal for Space & Time
“Webs knit from webs, we’re just fractals through time.”
commissioned by The Bushwick Book Club Seattle for the show, “Music Inspired by Ted Chiang’s EXHALATION”
The Neck
“The neck’s supple flesh/ Hides an adamantine spine// Paralysis clothed in silks…”
commissioned for The Bushwick Book Club Seattle for the show, “Music Inspired by Frank Herbert’s DUNE”
Waltz in Red (for Carrie White)
“What happens when a pomegranate is roasted?”
commissioned for The Bushwick Book Club Seattle for the show, “Music Inspired by Stephen King’s CARRIE”